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Medior FullStack Developer more info

About us We are an EU office of an international interactive agency (Kremsa Digital Inc.) in Bratislava, Slovakia. Our core competency is web/facebook/mobile development and online marketing. Our development process is specifically tailored to industry professionals, agencies and designers. Our goals are to develop quality products at affordable prices. Unlike other purely service companies we […]

Senior DevOps Engineer more info

We are looking to hire a Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team as a contractor! Job Description The Senior DevOps Engineer will work with application developers to automate and accelerate the testing, release and deployment of applications into a runtime environment quickly and reliably. The Senior DevOps Engineer should have a background in development, […]

Medior programátor (PHP) more info

Do nášho tímu v Bratislave hľadáme šikovného začínajúceho alebo mierne pokročilého webdevelopera pre prácu na slovenských i zahraničných projektoch. Kto sme? Kremsa Digital je digitálna agentúra so zmyslom pre inovácie a partnerstvo. Silná v custom developmente, performance marketingu a tvorbe vlastných produktov/toolov (napr. www.boosterberg.com, alebo www.fans.vote…). Sme pobočkou americkej materskej firmy so sídlom v Pasadene […]

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Kremsa Digital s.r.o.
Námestie hraničiarov 37
851 03 Bratislava